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TRU-Char types

Cabon Rich Tru Biochar created correctly




Green Thumb Farmer’s Tru-Char Biomass is Pennsylvania biochar consisting of flakes up to one-quarter inch in size.  Biomass is the perfect medium to get your seeds off to a quick, strong start. It is appropriate for all types of plants from in-door house plants to greenhouse / garden plants.

Green Thumb Farmer (GTF), located in Pennsylvania, uses local timber to create biochar. Our Tru-Char product is carefully produced, sifted, sorted and cleaned to provide you with high quality material to benefit your operation.  Tru-Char “holds” nutrients for your plants while assisting you in minimizing water waste.





Green Thumb Farmer’s Tru-Char Grow is Pennsylvania biochar chunks from one-quarter to one-half inch.  Grow can be used to replace your hydro stone for a rapid rooting media. Grow is perfect for your drip or deep water hydroponic plants.


Green Thumb Farmer (GTF), located in Pennsylvania, uses local timber to create biochar. Our Tru-Char product is carefully produced, sifted, sorted and cleaned to provide you with high quality material to benefit your operation.  Tru-Char “holds” nutrients for your plants while assisting you in minimizing water waste.





Green Thumb Farmer’s Tru-Char Garden is Pennsylvania biochar chunks from one-half to one inch.  Tru-Char Garden can be used to enhance your soil or remediate your clay. In the tradition of Terra preta, biochar added to your soil can help you achieve your black soil or 'super dirt'!

Green Thumb Farmer (GTF), located in Pennsylvania, uses local timber to create biochar. Our Tru-Char product is carefully produced, sifted, sorted and cleaned to provide you with high quality material to benefit your operation.  Tru-Char “holds” nutrients for your plants while assisting you in minimizing water waste.

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